For Parents

Research has shown that parents have a positive effect on their child’s speech and language development. Children learn to communicate through everyday activities and conversations with the most important people to them; usually their parents!

We can provide timely assessment and intervention for your child. We will work closely with you and your family to provide the best support to meet your child’s needs and help them to reach their potential. We are flexible, enthusiastic and child-friendly!

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Did you know?


Did you know over 50% of parents and carers have to wait more than 6 months’ to get the help their child needs?

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We can support children with a range of speech, language and communication difficulties including:

We will work alongside NHS therapists to provide collaborative assessment and therapy for your child.

My son’s words were “Mum did you know, speech therapy is actually fun when it’s with Speech Leap.” I think this says it all!
— Parent of Rylan